Relationships are golden

Relationships are golden

There was this poor man who had an idea for a business. He had no money to fund the launching and so, he decided to seek help from a millionaire in his community.

He made a visit to the Millionaires home and after they exchanged pleasantries, he told his host what brought him.

The Millionaire told him to take out a piece of paper and pen.
He said, “I will give you a test. If you pass it, I will give you the money you need and if you fail, I will still give you the money”

He then told him to write down the names of 10 people who could give him 10k each during the launching of his business.

Surprisingly, the man could not write even 3 names.

Now, take a glass of water and let me tell you something.

It is not enough to have talent and skills. You must understand the power of building a valuable relationship.

It was a wise man that said, your network is directly proportional to your net worth.

A relationship is a currency. The relationship is a stream of income.

Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of the relationship.

See, Who likes you in this life matters.

Men are lifted through men.
Many of us are talented but we lack a cupbearer to tell the King that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams.

Who you know matters a lot in this life. Don’t say it doesn’t matter. It does.

There are heights and opportunities you will never attain if you don’t understand the power of Keeping Valuable Relationships.

When they say, turn and greet your neighbor in church,/ mosque at times, you don’t even know who you are talking to.

That might be the CEO of a company. But sometimes, we despise people based on their outward looks and judge them wrongly.

Have this wisdom am sharing with you.

That person you sit within the class, or the colleagues at work that you look down on, maybe the ones that will lead you to your destiny helper because you have no idea who they know.

Sometimes, it takes just a recommendation to change your story.

Don’t despise men in Life. You will need them one day.

Sometimes those who crown Kings don’t look like kings and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown.


Shut the door of relationship gently you may need to use it tomorrow

Enjoy a Blessed life full of God’s favor!

Please stay Safe to save others


Melvin Ejiogu wrote this article In his Facebook page on July 09, 2020

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